New Delhi, May 2 ( With fresh rains and pleasant weather bringing in the month, the weatherman has predicted for the capital a less severe May than the scorcher that April was.

According to the India Meteorological Department, the temperatures in May will be normal “depending upon the local weather systems”.

“Western disturbances will weaken and the average temperature will hover around 40 degrees or more,” an IMD official said.

After blistering heat in the earlier part of April which broke previous records, the denizens of Delhi got some relief in the last week of the month due to western disturbances which caused thunderstorms followed by light rain.

Delhi was fast turning into a furnace during April with record-breaking heat wave conditions with maximum temperatures hovering between 42 and 44 degrees Celsius. The 52-year record for the hottest day April 17 was also broken.

But the city experienced slight rains and hailstorm April 19.

“Western disturbances brought in the much-needed moisture into the capital’s local weather system,” B.P. Yadav, IMD director told Inditop.

Till the heat reaches its peak in May, Delhiites will enjoy a few pleasant days in the hottest month as the IMD predicted partly cloudy skies and possibility of rainfall till Monday.

“The western disturbances’ activity occur for six or seven days in the month of May every year, but they only bring in moisture for some time,” an IMD official said.