Sydney, May 17 ( An Australian teenager shot dead his father and then went back to watching TV for the rest of the night, a court here was told.

The teenager has pleaded guilty in the NSW Supreme Court to murdering his father at their home near Mudgee.

The teenager had watched TV until about 10 p.m. when his father went to bed, according to the statement of facts submitted to Justice Peter Johnson at the teenager’s sentencing hearing Monday. The incident took place April 23 two years back.

“The offender stated that about 10.30 p.m., he went to the cupboard and got the Hollis and Sons double barrel shotgun, loaded it and cocked it then lay down with the gun and continued to watch TV. He stated that he started thinking about past incidents, where the victim had punished him physically,” AAP quoted the statement as saying.

He told police that he went to his father’s room and found his asleep.

“…he turned on the bedroom light, pointed the shotgun towards the victim, closed his eyes and fired the shotgun.”

The statement pointed out that the teenager’s brother came to the room, checked their father and reported no signs of life.

“He (teenager’s brother)… went back to bed and that he (teenager) stayed up for the rest of the night, watching TV. At no time did he or (the brother) call for any assistance for their father. The offender stated that he believed the victim was dead.”