Tokyo, June 4 (DPA) One of the Chinese student leaders of the 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests was arrested Friday for allegedly trespassing into the Chinese embassy in Tokyo, Kyodo News reported.

Wuer Kaixi, 42, allegedly entered the compound of the embassy by climbing over a fence at the entrance, Kyodo said, citing the police.

Wuer reportedly said he would not give any statements until his lawyers arrived, the police said.

Before his arrest, Wuer said in an interview that he would like to prove his innocence to the Chinese government at a court after returning to China.

Wuer said that he had visited the embassy Friday to turn himself in on the 21st anniversary of the bloody crackdown against the pro-democracy protesters. The embassy, however, did not accept him, Kyodo said.

Wuer fled China following the bloody military crackdown and now lives in Taiwan. He was banned from re-entering China.