London, June 17 (DPA) The Dalai Lama has praised Britain’s armed forces for their ‘courage and determination’, which he said originates from inner strength more commonly seen in monks, it was reported Thursday.

The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader made his comments in a message to mark Britain’s Armed Forces Day, established in 2006 to give greater recognition to the sacrifices made by soldiers in foreign conflicts.

‘In fact, it may surprise you to know that I think that monks and soldiers, sailors and airmen have more in common than at first meets the eye,’ said the message, reported by the Press Association.

‘Although the public may think that physical strength is what is most important, I believe that what makes a good soldier, sailor or airman, just as what makes a good monk, is inner strength,’ he added.

The Tibetan Buddhist leader said he prayed that all British servicemen and women would fulfil their foreign missions and return home to their families.

There are 380 Buddhists serving in Britain’s armed forces, according to the ministry of defence.

Armed Forces Day will be marked June 26.