London, June 27 (IANS) Kerry Katona’s estranged husband is apparently threatening to sell ‘sex tapes’ of the singer in revenge for this week’s shocking TV documentary about the couple.

Mark Croft has been SMSing and phoning her, since Thursday’s show, claiming he will give the tapes to the highest bidder. If he can’t find a buyer he insists he will post them on the Internet himself.

The disgraced dad is furious that footage of him roaring at daughter Heidi, 3, was broadcast on Channel 4’s ‘Kerry and Me’.

‘He has been bouncing off the walls since the show was aired,’ a British website quoted a friend of Croft as saying.

He has been on to Kerry morning, noon and night threatening her. He blames her for allowing the documentary to be made.

‘Mark has got tapes of them having sex recorded on his phone and tapes of her fooling about and stripping and being rude in bed. He’s told her that he’s going to sell them to a newspaper or magazine or set up his own website and release them on the net to get his own back,’ said the friend.

Bipolar sufferer and former cocaine addict Kerry, 29, agreed to do the documentary for free when she hit rock-bottom last year. This year, after turning her life around, she tried to prevent the two-hour show being broadcast – but had already signed the forms giving her consent.