Sydney, Aug 2 (IANS) A woman who was jailed after she stabbed her younger sister to death following an argument over a hair straightener and internet access was found dead in her prison cell in this Australian city.

Kathleen Worrall, 22, was found dead at Dillwynia Women’s Correctional Centre near Windsor at about 8.20 a.m. Sunday, The Age Monday quoted a NSW Corrective Services spokesperson as saying.

She is believed to have died from natural causes.

Worrall suffered from a mood-altering condition known as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, which leads to an excess production of testosterone.

By August 2008, Worrall had the testosterone levels of an adult male. She said she was like a ’20-year-old girl who looked like a gladiator’.

She was serving a six-year sentence after she stabbed her sister Susan, 18, in the neck and back more than 50 times after Susan came out of the bathroom of the family’s home in Strathfield in October 2008.