Los Angeles, Aug 4 (DPA) It’s all over – yet again – between Bristol Palin and her boyfriend Levi Johnston, father of her 19-month-old son, Tripp.

The 19-year-old daughter of right-wing politician Sarah Palin announced she had ended her two-week engagement with Johnston, 20, after learning that he may have fathered another child, with a woman he dated after they separated just two weeks after their baby Tripp was born.

Bristol Palin was thrust into the national spotlight when she announced her pregnancy as her conservative mother was running for US vice-president.

Following their split, Johnston and the Palin family repeatedly clashed in private and in the media. He earned further notoriety when he posed naked in Playgirl magazine.

Palin’s mother had been against their reunion, and Bristol said the last straw was when Johnston appeared in a music video in which a girl’s boyfriend continually clashes with her mother.

‘He’s just obsessed with the limelight,’ she said. ‘I got played.’

Sarah Palin, the former Alaskan governor, welcomed the split.

‘I wish for Bristol to be able to move forward in life with her same forgiving, gracious, optimistic spirit, but from henceforth she’ll know to trust but verify,’ she said.