London, Aug 4 (IANS) A triathlete in the US who got lost during a competition and then got hurt after falling off her mountain bike sent out a desperate tweet for help. Her plea was noticed by her followers who dialled for assistance.

Leigh Fazzina, 36, was participating in a mini-triathlon in Connecticut. She got lost in a 300 acre wooded area after taking a wrong turn, Sky News reported Wednesday.

She speeded downhill in an attempt to join back the race, when her front wheel suddenly hit a tree root and she fell to the ground.

Fazzina was not able to move and her fellow competitors failed to hear her screams.

When she didn’t succeed in making a mobile call, Fazzina turned to Twitter.

She tweeted: ‘I’ve had a serious injury and NEED Help! Can someone please call Winding Trails in Farmington, CT tell them I’m stuck bike crash in woods.’

Minutes later, half a dozen of her 1,000 followers dialled for help.

Mary-Ellen Harper, director of fire and rescue services for the Farmington Fire Department, said they received calls from California, New York and Chicago.

Fazzina was rescued and taken to hospital.

She later wrote on her blog: ‘I knew Twitter would get me an immediate response as my messages would be sent to the 1,000 or so people in my network.

‘Of course my Twitter network friends would respond immediately and help me!’