New Delhi, Aug 4 (IANS) A group of engineers Wednesday said it was ready to offer its services to help complete several infrastructure-related projects for the Oct 3-14 Commonwealth Games.

‘India has one of the largest engineering forces and our infrastructure and engineering consulting companies have been undertaking major global projects. We would like to extend our services to help complete the major Games-related projects,’ Consulting Engineers Association of India (CEAI) president K.K. Kapila said.

Kapila said the current adverse publicity was affecting the image of the country and its capabilities.

He also suggested that a task force including the engineer-in-chief of the army, the director general of Border Roads, the director general of the National Highways Authority of India and other engineering bodies be immediately mobilised for completing work on roads in the capital.

‘We want that instead of finding fault in the ongoing projects, the nation should unite and focus on completion of works and hosting of the games successfully. The whole world is watching us. The controversies have already demoralised the engineers connected with the projects,’ Kapila added.

The Commonwealth Games is an opportunity for the country to showcase its new power and influence as well as its ability to organise major sporting events, added Pradip Chaturvedi, an executive committee member of the organisation.

Delay in the completion of several games-related projects has become a cause of concern for the city government.