Beirut, Aug 4 (DPA) Representatives of the Israeli and Lebanese armies discussed Tuesday’s border clash with officials of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) Wednesday.

The meeting, at UNIFIL headquarters in the border town of Naqoura, was requested by the UNIFIL commander, Major-General Alberto Asarta Cuevas, a UN spokesman said.

‘The meeting aims to defuse the critical situation between the Lebanese and Israeli side following the clashes in Adissyeh,’ UNIFIL deputy spokesperson Andrea Tenenti said.

Two Lebanese soldiers, a Lebanese journalist and an Israeli officer were killed in the exchange of fire.

Lebanon accused Israel of violating Lebanese sovereignty by crossing the internationally recognised ‘blue line’, to cut down trees that had been impairing vision at the border security fence.

The UN force said the Israeli troops were on their side of the border. The Lebanese Army admitted its troops had opened fire first.