Washington, Aug 5 (IANS) President Barack Obama did not get to eat his own birthday cake as he turned 49 with only family dog Bo to keep him company on a trip to his home in Chicago.

Instead of taking the day off to celebrate, Obama Wednesday went to the Washington Convention Centre to address members of the AFL-CIO, the American union movement, where union president Richard Trumka revealed that he had planned a celebration for the commander in chief.

The plan was that they would sing ‘Happy Birthday’, cut the cake and help the POTUS, as the secret service code calls the president of the United States, enjoy his day.

‘But the Secret Service nixed the cake,’ Trumka told the Hill. As a result of the security decision not to authorise a cake for the president, the singing was apparently also put on hold.

‘I was disappointed there wasn’t a cake,’ Obama joked with Trumka after his remarks. Then, looking over at the Secret Service, Obama revealed what really might have happened to the cake. ‘They’re probably eating it right now.’

Obama is celebrating his birthday without his immediate family because first lady Michelle Obama just arrived in Spain for a planned mini-vacation with the couple’s youngest daughter, Sasha, while eldest daughter, Malia, is away at a summer camp.

Obama may have gone without a cake Wednesday, but CNN said there will be a hush-hush party at the White House Sunday with close family and friends to make it up to him.

Two top White House aides confirmed the belated birthday bash but gave no details because they ‘are a secret around the corridors of the West Wing’, the news channel said.

‘There will be some stuff Sunday,’ a top adviser to the president was quoted as saying.

The plans are still being put together for Sunday’s birthday party, which appears likely to be a hot invite for the lucky few White House aides who get on the list, CNN said.

(Arun Kumar can be contacted at arun.kumar@ians.in)