London, Aug 31 (IANS) Downing a peg or two a day could be good for you and give you a longer life than teetotalers, new research in the United States has found.

Researchers have found that good health among older people was linked to moderate drinking. The study examined data from 1,824 adults aged between 55 and 65 years. They were all former or current drinkers over the past 20 years, the Daily Mail reported.

They discovered that the heavy drinkers had a 42 percent higher risk of dying in a 20-year follow-up compared to moderate drinkers, says a University of Texas release.

Amazingly, teetotalers had a 49 percent higher mortality risk, according to the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.

Researchers said this was because many of those who refrained from alcohol in the study sample were former problem drinkers.

They were also more likely than moderate drinkers to have health problems due to lack of exercise and smoking.

Study leader Charles Holahan from the University of Texas, US, emphasised the need for common sense. One or two drinks a day may be beneficial for some, but drinking a lot more can be dangerous, he said.

‘Older persons drinking alcohol should remember that consuming more than two drinks a day exceeds recommended alcohol consumption guidelines,’ he added.