New Delhi, May 5 (Inditop) The Catholic Church has voiced its unhappiness over certain scenes in the film “Angels and Demons”, based on a book by Dan Brown, and proposed the scenes be deleted as they portray the church in poor light.

The Catholic Church has also said it fears that the “right wing group” in the country would try to further malign its image if the film is released without a cut.

“There is lack of information about the church, institutions and its intentions behind being involved in social developmental programmes and schemes. And this situation is compounded by the malicious propaganda of certain right wing groups in the country, which have maligned the image of the community,” said Rev. Babu Joseph, spokesperson of the Catholic Bishops Conference of India (CBCI).

“Against this background, a movie trying to depict the papacy in a bad light, may send wrong impressions about the church and its structure. Ours is a miniscule community in the country,” he said.

He said Censor Board chairperson Sharmila Tagore agreed with the church’s view on the film during a review meeting held at the Films Division auditorium last week.

“We had a review meeting with Sharmila Tagore and a couple of Censor Board members last Friday at the Films Division auditorium. After the review meeting, she agreed with the church’s view on the movie,” Babu Joseph told IANS.

He said the church did not insist on a ban on the movie as it respects art, artists and the legitimate freedom of speech and expression.

“We didn’t insist on a ban. We have suggested deletion of some scenes within the movie that depict the church in a bad light and some offensive language and some scenes, which are not befitting in a sacred place like the church,” the priest said.

He said that people usually believe things presented through the medium of films, and added that such presentations could have an adverse effect on the thinking of the people.

“In particular movies, which are works of fiction, but also based on historical and actual locations like the Vatican City and its institutions, traditions, rituals etc… there is a danger that an ordinary viewer could take the content as actual,” Babu Joseph said.

Earlier, the Catholic Church had called for an outright ban on the movie, based on a book by “The Da Vinci Code” author Dan Brown.