Yangon, Nov 1 (IANS) Over 170,000 people have been affected by Cyclone Giri that struck Myanmar’s western coastal Rakhine state in October, the UN said Monday.

The Oct 22 cyclone caused widespread damage to 71 villages in the state – Myebon, Kyaukphyu, Min Bye and Kyauktaw villages suffered the most, the local Flower News quoted the UN resident office here as saying in a statement.

According to government officials, a total of 27 people were killed, Xinhua reported.

Altogether 6,231 houses, eight monasteries, 19 schools and 77 government offices as well as 80 vessels and two bridges were destroyed.

Cyclone Giri over the Bay of Bengal landed Oct 22 in Rakhine at a speed of 120 km, triggering a tidal wave as high as 3.6 metres.