Islamabad, Nov 3 (DPA) At least four accused militants were killed Wednesday in a suspected US drone strike on a vehicle in Pakistan’s volatile northwestern tribal area along the Afghan border, security officials said.

The suspected pilotless plane targeted the group near Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan, which is a known hotbed of Taliban and Al Qaeda militants.

A security official said on the condition of anonymity that four missiles were fired at the vehicle, destroying it and killing the people travelling in it.

‘I can confirm that four badly burnt dead bodies were pulled out of the wreckage and taken to an undisclosed location for burial,’ the official said.

The suspected US drone attacks in Pakistan have been stepped up in recent weeks with more than 30 airstrikes occurring in the past two months. Washington has accused the Islamist guerrillas operating in the area of carrying out attacks across the Afghan border on US and other foreign troops.

Pakistan has been protesting these attacks publicly, saying they kill civilians, but its intelligence agencies are believed to be cooperating with the US to pick targets in the region.