New Delhi, Nov 7(Inditop) Bollywood actor Ajay Devgan is revelling the success of his comic caper “Golmaal Returns” and has announced part three in the series.“’Golmaal Returns’ has turned out to be one of the biggest films this year. I am thrilled to know that the film has collected more than Rs.34 crore (Rs.340 million) in just first five days of its release,” Ajay wrote on his blog.

“We are also proud to announce ‘Golmaal 3’. For the time being we all are enjoying the super success of ‘Golmaal Returns’ before we start working towards the next one,” he added.

On the success of the film, Ajay said: “Kudos to Rohit Shetty and his team.”

Ajay was in London for a while to shoot for Vipul Shah’s “London Dreams” and he “canned two songs and a lot of scenes” for the film.

The actor’s schedule is choc-a-bloc in the coming days. Soon he leaves for a 20-day-schedule for “Toonpur Ka Superhero”. And Sunday he visits the national capital along with his wife to flag off the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon.

“We are going to flag off a special four-km marathon organized by ‘Harmony’ meant for elder citizens. I think it is going to be fun,” he concluded.