Islamabad, Nov 30 (DPA) A suicide bombing Tuesday killed at least six people, including a baby and a policeman, in north-western Pakistan, officials said.

The bomber blew himself up near a police van on patrol in a furniture market in the Bannu district of Khyber-Pakhtukhwa province.

Qazi Fayazuddin, a senior medical officer at the hospital in the district headquarters, said 22 injured people were brought to his facility and six of them have died.

‘One policeman and five civilians, including a six-month-old baby, are among those killed,’ he said.

Four patients were in a critical condition, he said.

Bannu is 140 km south-west of Peshawar, the capital of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, and adjacent to the mountainous tribal region where Taliban and Al Qaeda militants have their bases.