Caracas, Nov 30 (DPA) Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton should resign over the WikiLeaks expose, which has left the US ‘naked’.

‘Somebody should resign … I’m not saying (President Barack) Obama, but they should do it out of shame … It is their empire left naked. You should resign, Mrs. Clinton, it’s the least you can do,’ Chavez said late Monday.

He said he had read in the media about WikiLeaks documents that mentioned Washington’s effort to isolate the Venezuelan government within Latin America.

‘This shows up the efforts of the US to isolate this revolutionary soldier, but they will not manage it,’ he told Venezuelan television.

The documents showed how the US ‘disrespects even its allies’, he said.

‘This was signed by Clinton. Mrs. Clinton thinks she is superior to Obama. Since she is white, she thinks she is superior to the black guy,’ Chavez noted.

He further congratulated WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, and called the US a ‘failed, illegal state, which threw respect for its allies overboard in order to further pursue its domination and abuses’.