London, July 30 (IANS) Actress Julianne Moore reveals she is trying to conquer her life-long fear of water by learning how to dive in a swimming pool.

‘I’ve been learning how to dive for 15 years…I came to swimming kind of late so I figured once I mastered that, that was enough, right? I didn’t have to learn how to dive too. (I could) just step in. Or cannon ball in… I mean why go in head first? Because that seems kind of ridiculous to me… you don’t want to hurt yourself,’ quoted her as saying.

‘But people say things to me like, ‘You can’t dive?’ Like, ‘You can’t open a door with a key?’ But, I had to learn the (same) way… they teach kids. Where you sit on the side of the pool, with one knee up and one leg bent, and you know they (the coaches) say, ‘Just fall in the pool.’ So I spent a few years like that,’ she added.