Beijing, Dec 4 (IANS) A giant panda couple from China’s Sichuan province Sunday left for Scotland as part of an awareness programme that will see them spending the next 10 years in their new home in Edinburgh Zoo.

Yang Guang and Tian Tian travelled from the provincial capital of Chengdu, according to the China Conservation and Research Centre for Giant Panda.

Two researchers are accompanying the pandas, and will remain in that country till the animals are adapted to their new environment, the centre said.

Both countries had signed an agreement in January to bring the pandas to Edinburgh zoo for 10 years so that people there get a chance to see the majestic animals up close.

To ensure the pandas feel at home, the Edinburgh Zoo had sent its staff to China to acquire skills to raise pandas, according to the China Daily.

Yang Guang and Tian Tian were born in 2003 and have been living in Sichuan ever since, the panda centre said.