Mumbai/Ralegan Siddhi (Maharashtra), Dec 31 (IANS) Anna Hazare, who has been ailing the past few days, is likely to be admitted to a Pune hospital for three days to recuperate, his close associate said here Saturday.

‘Dr K.H. Sancheti from Sancheti Hospital in Pune examined Anna this morning and has advised him to be hospitalised in his hospital Sunday,’ Hazare’s associate Allaudin Shaikh told IANS in Mumbai.

‘Although Anna’s health is better now, he has agreed and is planning to leave for Pune early Sunday. However, it is not easy to predict what decision Anna will take at the last moment and he might call off the whole thing,’ Shaikh added.

Sources at Ralegan Siddhi said Sancheti asked Hazare to get hospitalised as he noticed congestion in his chest due to cough.

Owing to Hazare’s ill health, the core committee meeting of Team Anna slated to be held at Ralegan Siddhi Jan 2-3 was postponed earlier Saturday.

‘Anna’s fever has come down, but his blood pressure is not normal and he is feeling week. We were advised that he does not talk much and hence we have postponed the meeting,’ Sheikh said.

The new dates of the meeting will be announced later.

Team Anna was to meet at Hazare’s village in Parner taluka of Ahmednagar district, around 350 km from Mumbai, to discuss future strategies on Jan Lokpal and campaigning in the five poll-bound states.

Hazare Wednesday called off his three-day fast for a ‘strong Lokpal’ on the second day due to poor health. He returned to his village the next day.