London, May 1 (IANS) School teachers in Britain should be paid according to their performance in the classroom, British MPs have recommended.

MPs on the education select committee have said teachers’ pay should be tied to the value they add to pupils’ performance, so that the best teachers are rewarded while the weak are discouraged from staying in the profession, the Guardian reported.
The lawmakers say there were huge differences in the performance of teachers across the country, but poorly performing teachers get the same pay as their more successful counterparts.
In a report, the committee has urged ministers to develop proposals for a pay system that rewards the teachers who add the “greatest value” to pupils’ performance.
Schools minister Nick Gibb said the government has asked the school teachers’ review body – which considers matters relating to teachers’ pay, duties and working time – to make recommendations on introducing “greater freedoms and flexibilities” in teachers’ pay, including how to link it more closely to performance.
The report also calls for candidates for the teaching profession to be observed in the classroom, before they are offered a training place, to check their suitability for the job.
They said allowing young people to try out teaching could improve the quality of applicants and lead to a lower drop-out rate.
The government should consider developing an internship system to allow youngsters to experience the benefits and career potential of teaching before committing to it.
The report suggests the creation of a sabbatical scheme to allow outstanding teachers to take time out of the classroom to work in a different school, undertake research or refresh their subject knowledge.