Mumbai, May 2 (IANS) In an interesting offer, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India has written to Kingfisher Airlines chairman Vijay Mallya, stating that they could help the debt-ridden carrier work its way back to financial solvency.

“PETA would like to purchase ad space on the side of Kingfisher’s aircraft for a pro-vegan ad that reads ‘Want Good Times? Go Vegan. Meat Consumption Leads to Impotence’,” PETA India chief functionary Poorva Joshipura said Wednesday.
“More than just Kingfisher’s jets will be “taking off” if Dr Mallya accepts PETA’s offer and helps spread the vital message that meat consumption leads to impotence,” she added.
Joshipura said the best way to help animals, protect the environment and guarantee a successful ‘landing’ in the bedroom is to go vegan.
In a cleverly yet sarcastically worded letter, Joshipura said that in addition to causing animal suffering on a massive scale, eating meat can lead to myriad illnesses and medical conditions, including impotence.
“Internationally recognised authority on sexual medicine and impotence, Dr Sudhakar Krishnamurti has called India the “impotence capital of the world” – the condition affects more than 50 percent of the nation’s men over age 40,” she wrote in the letter.
“Any of your passengers who have trouble “lifting off” will be glad to hear that impotence can be reversed, improved or even prevented with a vegan diet,” she added.
Joshipura said that placing this ad on the side of Kingfisher planes will not only benefit the airline financially but also help passengers avoid turbulence in their love life.