Lucknow, May 7 (IANS) Police Monday arrested a Lucknow-based property dealer for first assaulting his wife and then holding her, his father-in-law and brother-in-law captive in his house for not bringing dowry.

Police said the bizarre incident took place late Sunday in the Ravindrapalli area of Ghazipur locality where Pradip Singh, a property dealer and father of two, held his wife and her family hostage for several hours till late in the night and shot at his brother-in-law when he tried to escape.
With the help of neighbours and others, the family was released safely Monday. They then went to the police station and reported the matter, following which the property dealer was apprehended Monday and placed behind bars.
The victim, Preeti Singh, who married the assailant in 2008, told the police that after her parents feigned helplessness in meeting the demand for Rs.3 lakh as dowry, her husband beat her up and locked the family in the house. “When my father and brother resisted the beating, my husband whipped out a revolver and held us hostage,” she told the police.
When a mortally-afraid brother-in-law tried to raise an alarm and flee the scene, he was shot at. The noise of firing alarmed the landlord and neighbours, following which the property dealer escaped.
Police said the man has earlier been arrested for an attempt to murder.