Dhaka, July 14 (Inditop.com) Despite bursting at the seams and poor civic amenities, Dhaka, the four centuries-old city that is now the capital of Bangladesh, remains the country’s “most attractive” city, says a survey.

Dhaka gets 7.3 points in a scale of 10 — well below the international criteria of competitiveness of a city in terms of cost of doing business, dynamics of local economy, human resources and training, infrastructures, and quality of life.

The city along with its neighbourhood employs 34 percent of the total industrial labour force, New Age newspaper said Tuesday quoting the study.

With a huge concentration of industries and service sectors, the greater Dhaka region accounts for 24 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), says the study on ‘City Cluster Economic Development’.

Its population growth at five percent a year is higher than the national average of urbanisation at 3.5 percent.

Dhaka celebrated its fourth centenary last year. It was ruled by the Nawabs till the advent of the British.

Chittagong, the port town, Sylhet and Comilla have scored 6.32, 5.78 and 5.11 points respectively while Rajshahi and Rangpur got 3.7 and 3.43 points, well below the national average of 5 points, said the case study done by Centre for Urban Studies, Bangladesh, in collaboration with Asian Development Bank.