Beijing, May 30 (IANS) Police in China would now be punished with demotion or dismissal if they were found abusing inmates or connive in the maltreatment of prisoners, a government statement has said.

Analysts believe the latest provision, which is more specific and comprehensive, will better protect inmates’ legitimate rights and interests by enforcing a clearer discipline standards for police.
The provision will met out punishment ranging from reprimand to dismissal from police in corruption cases, which often involves taking kickbacks from prisoners’ family, or embezzlement of inmates’ personal belongings.
According to a provision published by the Ministry of Supervision, police will be fired if prisoners died as a result of their beating, corporal punishment or maltreatment, as well as their manipulation or connivance in similar misconduct, Xinhua reported.
Dismissal also applies in cases of police found to have harboured criminal activities committed by inmates, or to have helped prisoners escape.
The provision, which takes effect July 1, serves as a discipline guidance for police in prisons and labour camps, meaning police will face criminal charges simultaneously if their misconduct was found breaking the law.
In China, those committing misdemeanours are normally placed in re-education-through-labour centres instead of prisons.