London, July 2 (IANS) Prospective immigrants to Britain will now be expected to be first familiarise themselves with the country’s basic history.

A handbook for foreigners taking the immigration test puts Britain’s history and culture at the heart of it. People will be taught about famous Britons like William Shakespeare, Winston Churchill and The Beatles as part of the new citizenship test.
These aspirants must also learn Britain’s national anthem — God Save the Queen — under the scheme which aims to ensure those wishing to make the country their home will fully integrate into society, The Sun reported.
British Home Secretary Theresa May has overturned the original version drawn up under Labour party, which taught immigrants about benefits and human rights laws.
Historic figures like Queen Boudicca, Henry VIII, Isaac Newton and Florence Nightingale will be covered by the new guide, set to be launched in the autumn.
The guide will also highlight great British inventions like the television, the jet engine and the internet. A chapter on Britain’s cultural heritage will include Sir Edward Elgar, Charles Dickens and the Rolling Stones.
The guide also insists immigrants to respect British rule of law, insisting: “There is no place in British society for extremism or intolerance.”
“Everyone is expected to comply with the law and to understand that things which may be allowed in other legal systems are not acceptable in the UK,” it adds.
“Putting our culture and history at the heart of the citizenship test will help ensure those permanently settling can understand British life, allowing them to properly integrate into our society,” according to The Home Office, the lead government department for immigration and passports, drugs policy, crime, counter-terrorism and police.