Washington, July 16 (RIA Novosti) The White House has expressed sadness over the abduction and murder of Russian human rights activist Natalya Estemirova in the North Caucasus, and called on the Russian government to bring the killers to justice.

Estemirova, who had been investigating kidnappings and disappearances in Chechnya for the Memorial group, was kidnapped Wednesday morning in Grozny. Her body was found with bullet wounds later in the day in neighbouring Ingushetia. She was 50.

“We call upon the Russian government to bring to justice those responsible for this outrageous crime and demonstrate that lawlessness and impunity will not be tolerated,” White House National Security Council spokesman Mike Hammer told reporters.

Ian Kelly, a US State Department spokesman said in a statement: “Estemirova was uncompromising in her willingness to reveal the truth regardless of where that might lead. She was devoted to shining a light on human rights abuses, particularly in Chechnya, and received a number of international awards for her brave work.”

Human Rights Watch has urged the Russian government to launch a full, transparent investigation into the murder.

“It seems to be open season on anyone trying to highlight the appalling human rights abuses in Chechnya. It’s high time the Russian government acted to stop these killings and prosecute those responsible,” the head of the New-York based international human rights organisation, Kenneth Roth, said.

Estemirova had earlier worked with journalist Anna Politkovskaya, who was shot dead in Moscow in October 2006, and human rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov, who was killed in the Russian capital in January this year.

Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov said: “A search for the criminals will be carried out not only during an official investigation, but also unofficially, according to Chechen traditions.”

Russian human rights activists will gather in Moscow’s Novopushkinsky Square to pay tribute to Estemirova.

By rounak