Title: Living Courageously; Author: Lipa Rath; Publisher: Power Publishers; Pages: 116, Price: Rs.250.

This is an inspirational book written with honesty and humility.
Now an angle therapist, author Lipa Rath did not believe in God until she was shaken up by her elder sister’s sudden death. More trouble was to ravage her, hurtling her from one crisis to another. It was her discovery of spirituality that eventually gave her the strength to tackle life’s numerous problems. It was also her spiritual strength that made her forgive the man who tried to strangle her.
“Living Courageously” has come from the author’s heart. “Going through a long, dark tunnel makes you wonder if you are ever going to see light.” Her crisis became so severe that she thought of killing herself at one point. But eventually, she came out of darkness. Lipa suffers from no hatred. “Today,” she says, “I feel very proud of the sufferings that I bravely suffered.”
Love and forgiveness, surrender to God, deep devotion, power of the mind, fear and negativity, health and happiness, will power, introspection, health, healing, affirmation, karma, spirit within, desires, death… A disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda, Lipa covers every aspect of life with a rare candor. It would have been better if the book was priced closer to Rs.150.
(M.R. Narayan Swamy can be reached on narayan.swamy@ians.in)