New Delhi, Dec 28 (IANS) It was a chilly day in the capital Friday with the maximum temperature settling two notches below average at 19 degree Celsius. The Met office forecast similar weather Saturday.

“There will be light mist in the morning tomorrow (Saturday)but the afternoon will be sunny and pleasant cold winds will continue to sweep for the next few days,” said an official of the India Meteorological Department (IMD).
The maximum and minimum temperatures are expected to hover around 19 and 7 degrees Celsius.
Shallow fog enveloped the city Friday morning and the visibility at 8.30 a.m. was around 700 meters.However, no flights were cancelled due to it.
Fridays’ minimum temperature was a notch below average at 6.3 degrees Celsius.
Thursday’s maximum temperature was 16.6 degrees Celsius, four notches below the season’s average, while the minimum was 9.2 degrees Celsius, two degrees above the average for the season.