New Delhi, Dec 29 (IANS) As the Delhi gang-rape victim died Saturday, a doctor who flew with her to Singapore said the transfer from a hospital here did not worsen her condition.

Some doctors had criticised the decision to fly her abroad from Safdarjung Hospital here to the Mount Elizabeth Hospital Wednesday despite her cardiac arrest.
“She was transferred very safely to Singapore. In fact, she was in a similar condition when she was in Safdurjung. She survived for 48 hours after being transferred,” Yatin Mehta of Medanta Hospital told a news channel.
“She was a very sick when we flew her. But then, Mount Elizabeth (Hospital) has much superior facilities than Safdarjung. That point of time, she was very sick but not so sick that she could not be transferred. Although it was tricky, she was transferred smoothly,” he said.
“Her condition was serious when we took her from Safdurjung, but we had a full team.
“First half of the flight she was quite well… Then transiently, her blood pressure dropped. We put in the monitoring line and she responded well.
“When we reached Mount Elizabeth, she was in a similar condition as in Safdarjung,” he said.
He said the doctors did their best but her condition worsened.
“Her every organ was very badly effected. Body was badly mutilated. She was a very injured child,” he said.
“I felt very sad not only for the girl but also for the family. They were such a simple loving, rural family,” Mehta said.
“The father was accepting what was happening to the child because we were explaining everything honestly, but the mother was not.
“She went into denial. It is terrible for any parent for such a thing happening to a child,” he said.
The 23-year-old was gang-raped and tortured in a bus Dec 16 and shifted to Singapore Wednesday night for better treatment.