Dhaka, Aug 28 (Inditop.com) Raja Rammohun Roy, the 19th century social reformer, was commemorated here with a mural unveiled in his name in Rangpur in northern Bangladesh.

A school will be set up where Roy lived between 1809 and 1814 by the joint effort of the club and the Bengali International (BI), a London-based charity, The Daily Star said.

Industries Minister Dilip Barua unveiled the mural prepared by sculptor Aneek Reza. Also present on the occasion were Bangladeshi State Minister for Cultural Affairs Pramad Mankin, lawmakers Ashiqur Rahman and Tipu Munshi, BI representatives from London and Kolkata and chief of Raja Ram Mohan Mission, Kolkata.

Roy had campaigned against sati, the now-banned practice of self-immolation by a Hindu widow on the funeral pyre of her husband. He died in Bristol, England where his remains were interred.