New Delhi, Aug 30 ( The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Sunday said Prime Minister Manmohan Singh should focus on the drought conditions in the country and price rise rather than worrying about its internal matters.
“Let me appeal to prime minister that instead of worrying about the BJP, let him worry about the people, the price rise and the drought,” BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekar told reporters here.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had Saturday said in Rajasthan that infighting in the BJP was not good and stability of political parties was necessary in a democracy.
“If there is instability, it will have an impact on the country,” he had said at a function.
The commotion in the main opposition party began with the expulsion of senior leader and former cabinet minister Jaswant Singh for praising Pakistan’s founder Mohammad Ali Jinnah in his recently released book.
After that, senior MP Arun Shourie lashed out at the party leadership and dubbed the BJP a ‘kati patang’ (a kite adrift).
The crisis in BJP has led the RSS, the party’s ideological parent, to call for an end to infighting. RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat had earlier said that the BJP would “rise from the ashes”.