CHRIS BROWN is concerned he’ll fail to obey a court-imposed ban on rubbing shoulders with RIHANNA – because they frequently attend the same showbiz parties.

The Kiss Kiss hitmaker has been sentenced to five years probation and ordered to stay away from Rihanna for the duration after pleading guilty to assaulting her in February (09).

But Brown is worried he may accidentally break the rules of the order, because they are often invited to the same events.

Speaking to U.S. newsman Larry King in his first interview since the attack, the singer says, “It’s also hard because we’re both in the same industry. We do – we go to the same events… We have to be like 10 yards away from each other (at the same event), but I just feel like it’s harder, because we’re always in the same vicinity, and it leaves more – because we have the protection order, it leaves more room for error.

“It leaves more room for people to start rumours and more stuff, like, oh, they’re together. They’re not supposed to be together. And it just kind of leaves more room – for problems.”

The star’s attorney, Mark Geragos, is warning the singer to be careful about stumbling into Rihanna after the pair caused speculation they had reunited when they stayed at the same hotel in New York in July (09).

Geragos says, “I mean there was an incident – a supposed incident in New York where the two of them – unbeknownst to each other because they don’t talk to each other – are rumoured to be at the same hotel. So before we even verify it, I just tell him, move. So, you know, it’s almost – I’ve kiddingly joked, we almost have to put GPS (Global Positioning System) chips into the two of them to figure out where the other one is at all times.”

By rounak