RUSSELL CROWE challenged an Australian journalist to a cycling duel after the writer mocked his fitness regime and unhealthy habits.

The Gladiator star was infuriated when Sydney’s The Daily Telegraph published an article headlined, “Smokes and fatty foods the fitness regime for Rusty,” after he was spotted puffing cigarettes and eating fast food during a bike ride.

The paper ridiculed Crowe for taking breaks from his personal trainer to and eat plates of tacos and satisfy his nicotine cravings.

So the star hit back – by challenging gossip columnist Annette Sharp to take him on in a cycle challenge.

According to the publication, Crowe’s spokesperson phoned the writer and said, “Get on your bike. Russell wants you to go riding with him. Are you ready to die?”

After accepting the duel, the actor met up with Sharp for a 12-mile cycle ride through Sydney.

In a video, the journalist is seen struggling to keep up with Crowe – but the actor credits her efforts, insisting she is “twice the man Baz (Luhrmann) is.”