Singapore, April 10 (Inditop) A teenager who had sex with a 10-year-old girl was placed on 18 months of probation after a guilty plea, a newspaper reported Friday.

Xia Yun, 19, pleaded guilty to two counts of carnal connection after having sex with the girl in his home in November 2007 when he was 17, the Straits Times said. He had sex with the girl again a few weeks later after she turned 11.

The two met on a multiplayer online gaming website.

The girl, whose father reported to police in January last year that she has been molested, is now staying in a children’s home.

Xia’s parents signed a 5,000-Singapore-dollar ($3,300) bond to ensure his good behaviour. He has to do 100 hours of community service work under the probation terms set at Thursday’s hearing.

He could have been jailed up to five years or fined 10,000 Singapore dollars on each of the charges.