New York, Oct 10 (Inditop) Lindsay Lohan has requested a court not to force her to testify in a forthcoming case on videotape because she fears it will be leaked online.
Lohan has been called to testify in girlfriend Samantha Ronson’s malpractice suit against her former lawyer Martin Garbus.

Garbus represented Ronson in a defamation case she lost against blogger Perez Hilton, who had written that Lohan’s 2007 arrest for driving under the influence (DUI) and possession of cocaine was Ronson’s fault. reports that Lohan’s lawyer has filed a motion in Los Angeles Wednesday protesting a videotaped deposition, because she fears Garbus will question her “about the details of the drugs allegedly found in the car and of her alleged romantic relationship with Ronson”.

The paperwork adds that Lohan is concerned the tape will be leaked online and cause her “unwarranted annoyance, embarrassment, oppression, undue burden and expense”.

She is also requesting a private location for the deposition, that there are minimal witnesses present and that any transcript of her words is kept secure.

Ronson’s lawsuit against Hilton was rejected last year.