Washington, Dec 2 (DPA) US Defence Secretary Robert Gates said Wednesday the timeframe for beginning troop withdrawals from Afghanistan can be adjusted if more time is needed to stabilize the country.

Gates said in December 2010 the administration will review the new strategy outlined by President Barack Obama Tuesday night and determine whether the timeframe for starting a pullout in 18 months can be met.

“The president as commander-in-chief always has the option to adjust his decision,” Gates told the Senate Armed Services Committee during testimony to elaborate on Obama’s revised strategy for the eight-year-old conflict. Proceeding with a drawdown will be based on conditions on the ground, Gates said.

Obama announced he is deploying 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan to reverse Taliban gains in the last couple years, but also set a July 2011 date for initiating a pullout and transitioning security responsibility to the Afghan government.

Gates appeared with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Michael Mullen to defend the plan and faced tough questions from lawmakers.

Obama’s plan has left the Democrats divided, with many opposing the deployment of the additional troops that will expand the US force to 98,000 by this summer. Republicans, while applauding the buildup, have criticized the establishment of a timeframe for withdrawals, saying it sends the wrong signal to the Taliban.