New Delhi, Dec 3 ( The sports ministry in its bid to bring in line all sports federations has decided to introduce annual recognition procedure with effect from January.

The ministry said Thursday that all recognised National Sports Federations( NSFs) have to furnish detailed information relating to 20 important areas like details of current management, affiliates, memorandum of association, annual reports, audited accounts of last three years, names of core probables, coaches including foreign and government observers, participation in international, national and zonal championships.

The ministry said that renewal of annual recognition will take place on the basis of twelve areas like details of elections held, steps taken against doping including compliance to World Anti-Doping Agency and National Anti-Doping Agency Code, along with details of cases found positive and action taken agaist them, action taken on issue of identity cards to national athletes and prevention of age frauds.

Any federation, which fails to comply with these requirements will not be granted renewal till such time they furnish requisite information and accordingly will not be eligible to receive any financial assistance from the ministry.