New Delhi, Dec 16 ( A colourful spectacle at Jantar Mantar kicked off the 10th international children’s festival on performing arts in the capital Wednesday. Children from different countries came together, carrying placards on world peace as acrobats cavorted around inviting applause and cheer.

The four-day festival which will see children give theatrical performances on issues ranging from pollution and water conservation to social evils, among others, will take place in different venues like the Shri Ram Centre and Pearey Lal Bhavan in central Delhi.

Sabina Sheikh of Bangladesh who is here for the festival said: “This is the first time I am visiting India and am really excited to see the place. We are going to perform a play and hope that the other participants like it.”

Anuj Shekhawat, another participant added: “Besides giving theatrical performances and folk dances, we are also spreading the message of world peace. It may sound almost academic – a bunch of kids going around town with these messages – but we are the future generation, and we determine the future of the world.”

Children from countries like Singapore, Finland, Israel, Russia, Latvia, Pakistan, Nepal and Italy will take part in the festival.

The festival, which will see 250 productions in all, is organised by the Ryan Foundation in association with Bal Bhavan and the Indian Council for Cultural Relations.