New Delhi, Dec 21 ( In an effort to harness the energy, imagination and initiative of the world’s young denizens in overcoming the challenges facing humanity, the United Nations (UN) has declared 2010 as the International Year of Youth, starting Aug 12.

“The International Year is about advancing the full and effective participation of youth in all aspects of society,” UN Focal Point on Youth, Nicola Shepherd, said in a statement Monday.

“We encourage all sectors of society to work in partnership with youth and youth organizations to better understand their needs and concerns and to recognize the contributions that they can make to society,” she added.

The announcement was made Dec 18.

In its resolution proclaiming the Year, the General Assembly called on governments, civil society, individuals and communities worldwide to support activities at local and international levels to mark the event.

Under the theme ‘Dialogue and Mutual Understanding’, the Year aims to encourage dialogue and understanding across generations and promote the ideals of peace, respect for human rights, freedom and solidarity.

It also encourages youth to dedicate themselves to fostering progress, including the attainment of the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which seek to remove a host of social ills, ranging from extreme poverty and hunger to maternal and infant mortality to lack of access to education and health care, by 2015.

Several international events are already scheduled throughout the year, including the Fifth World Youth Congress from July 31 to Aug 13 in Istanbul, and the World Conference for Youth in Mexico City from Aug 24-27.

Both gatherings will focus on youth and sustainable development in the context of the MDGs.

From Aug 14 to 26, Singapore will hold the international Youth Olympic Games, the statement added.