New Delhi, Dec 27 ( The stowaway who sneaked onboard an Air India Medina-Jaipur flight Saturday by hiding in the toilet had posed no threat to the aircraft and its passengers, the airlines said Sunday.

The person was employed as a sweeper by a local flight handling agency at Medina airport in Saudi Arabia, Air India said in a statement.

The airlines said it has sought an explanation from the agency on how their employee managed to remain on board the aircraft after performing his duties.

The airline also said police have not initiated any action against the cabin crew of the aircraft.

“We would like to reiterate that the airline has not been informed by the police authorities of any action contemplated against the crew of the flight,” the statement said.

The stowaway, Habib Hussain, 26, from Moradabad in Uttar Pradesh, had gone to Saudi Arabia six months ago and was employed as a loader by an agency providing services at Medina airport.

On Saturday, Habib went on board the Airbus A-330 for maintenance work and locked himself in the toilet.

He was noticed by the cabin crew after the flight had been airborne for 30 minutes. Habid had a valid identity card enabling him access to the security cleared zone where the aircraft is parked, Air India said.

“He did not pose any threat to the safety and security of the aircraft and the passengers,” the statement said.

Habib told the crew that he was an Indian national and was desperate to fly home as he was “dissatisfied with his employment conditions” in Saudi.

The commander of the flight, who is the supreme authority in such instances as per the international law, after satisfying himself that there was no safety or security threat decided to continue the flight to its destination, Jaipur, the airlines said.

The ATC Jaipur was informed and on landing there Habib was handed over to police. He was being interrogated in Jaipur.