London, Dec 30 ( Former British premier Margaret Thatcher complained that too many South Asians had made Britain their home, official papers show.

But she had fewer problems about whites arriving from Rhodesia, Poland or Hungary, the documents released under the 30-year rule reveal, The Daily Mirror reported Wednesday.

In July 1979, just months after she became Britain’s first female Prime Minister, Thatcher responded angrily when Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington suggested that Britain accept 10,000 Vietnamese boat people over two years.

An angry Thatcher said there were already too many Asians arriving and that “with some exceptions, there had been no humanitarian case for accepting 1.5 million from South Asia and elsewhere. It was essential to draw a line somewhere.”

The secret minutes of the meeting added: “She thought it wrong immigrants should be given council housing whereas white citizens were not.”

Told that many people were writing to urge ministers to accept more refugees, Thatcher responded tetchily: “All those who wrote letters should be invited to accept one into their homes.”

She had “less objection to refugees such as Rhodesians, Poles and Hungarians since they could more easily be assimilated.”