Thiruvanathapuram, Jan 3 ( Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Sunday expressed disappointment over the climate change accord finalised at the Copenhagen Summit last year.

“We were able to make only limited progress at Copenhagen. No one was fully satisfied,” Singh said while addressing the 97th Indian Science Congress here.

Addressing scientists, the prime minister added: “There is no escaping the truth that the nations of the world have to move to lower greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficient development paths.”

Under the Copenhagen accord, by Jan 31, 2010, both developed and developing countries will have to inform of their commitment to mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases that are causing global warming.

About 7,000 delegates, including 3,000 students, are participating in the premier national science summit, hosted by Kerala University with the state-run ISRO as co-host. The focal theme of the mega event is “Science and Technology Challenges of 21st century – National Perspective”.