Kolkata, Jan 7 (Inditop.com) Suspected Maoist rebels killed a Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) activist in West Bengal’s Bankura district. The body was found Thursday morning by local residents.

According to police, Haren Baske, 40, was abducted by a group of people late Wednesday night and taken to the nearby Surirtari near Ranibandh under Barikul police station, where he was shot dead.

“We sent the body for post mortem. No one has been arrested so far in connection with the case,” an officer of Barikul police station said.

He said the police had begun a search operation in the area to find out Baske’s murderers.

Asked if Baske was killed by the Maoists, he said that every aspect was being investigated.

Local residents said a group of 50 Maoist ultras had barged into Baske’s house Wednesday night and taken him away with them, as he was a CPI-M activist.