Beijing, April 1 ( Chinese President Hu Jintao will attend the Nuclear Security Summit to be held April 12-13 in Washington, the foreign ministry said Thursday.

‘China attaches importance to nuclear security, opposes nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism, and supports the relevant international cooperation,’ foreign ministry spokesman Qin Gang told reporters here.

Leaders and representatives from over 40 countries and some regional and international organisations such as the European Union and the International Atomic Energy Agency will take part in the conference.

‘We hope the summit will achieve a consensus by all countries on nuclear security and yield positive results,’ Xinhua quoted Qin as saying.

After the conference, Hu will go to Brazil on a state visit to attend the second summit of the BRIC countries – Brazil, Russia, India and China – in Brasilia April 14 to 17, Qin said, adding that the President will also visit Venezuela and Chile April 17 and 18, respectively.