New Delhi, April 14 ( Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit Wednesday expressed concern over the lack of basic amenities in slum clusters in the city, adding that the process of regularisation of slums would take some more time.

“The lack of amenities in JJ (jhuggi jhompri) clusters and unauthorised colonies where people are forced to put up in absence of adequate housing in the capital city is a matter of concern. The process of regularisation of colonies has started and it will take some more time to achieve desired results,” Dikshit said.

“Delhi is a mega city but is different from other similar cities because it doesn’t have any hinterland to expand into and provide amenities to the increasing population,” she added.

While stating that the city has 47 hospitals for 16 million people, Dikshit said that about one-third of the patients who visit Delhi’s hospitals are from other places. A million people visit the city daily in connection with employment.

“There has been a positive change in Delhi as far as infrastructure is concerned. There is need for inclusive and planned growth. It is time to improve the system to ensure benefit of urbanisation to everyone,” she said.