New Delhi, Jan 11 ( India’s emergence as a major market and a hub for the global auto industry was reinforced at this year’s Auto Expo that concluded Monday, which saw the launch of an unprecedented 72 vehicles in virtually every segment by domestic and multinational companies.

In tune with the global concern for the environment, ‘clean and green’ was clearly the flavour of the seven-day event where hybrids and battery powered vehicles were showcased in equal measure along with those that run on conventional fuels.

According to the organisers, Auto Expo 2010 also emerged as among the largest such shows even surpassing those at New York and Shanghai, as it managed to attract as many as two million visitors.

The Auto Expo had about 125,000 square metres of exhibition space and about two million visitors, while Shanghai drew 600,000 visitors and New York 1.2 million. Organisers said this was the largest such Auto Expo.

Among domestic participants, Tata Motors and Maruti had the largest display area while among foreign participants, Indo-German Chamber of Commerce had the largest pavilion, the organisers said.

This apart, 2,100 companies from 30 countries participated in the show with large contingents from Germany, the US, South Korea, Japan and China.

The enthusiasm, the organisers said, was also due largely to Indian automobile industry today emerging as a $18-billion (Rs.90,000-crore) business and growing at double-digit levels even as the global markets have seen a sharp slowdown.

Some companies spared no expenses during their numerous launches even though their overseas parents have faced sharp drop in profits, resulting in exploring greener pastures in emerging markets like India.

Speaking at the concluding ceremony, Minister of State for Commerce and Industry Jyotiraditya Scindia said the number of new models launched at the Expo underlined the robust recovery of the Indian auto market and its growing stature in the world.

“The government aims to give full support to the automotive small and medium scale enterprises, and particularly to technology upgradation. The nation is fast becoming a manufacturing hub for passenger cars, especially small cars,” he said.

“Even today, India has only seven car owners per 1,000 citizens. Compared with this, China has 27.”