Raipur, Nov 24 (Inditop.com) Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh Tuesday asked the central government to raise the minimum support price (MSP) for paddy to Rs.1,400 per quintal from the present Rs.950 per quintal.

“The MSP for paddy for the current fiscal should be increased to Rs.1,400 per quintal from the current price of Rs.950 for common grade paddy, while that for the grade-A variety should be raised to Rs.1,430 per quintal from Rs.980,” Singh said in a letter to union Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar.

Singh’s demand for higher paddy prices comes a day ahead of a proposed state-wide agitation by farmers demanding bonus on paddy procurement.

Farmers say the state government had backed down from its pre-election promise that a bonus of Rs.270 would be given to them per quintal of paddy it procured.

Sanjukat Kisan Morcha, an umbrella organisation of various farmers’ bodies, said it would stage protests Wednesday against the neglect of farmers’ interests by the state government.