New Delhi, Jan 31 (IANS) Recognising that states have the right to frame suitable policies and laws on water, the draft National Water Policy, 2012 however lays emphasis on the need for a comprehensive national law for optimum development of inter-state rivers and river valleys.

The draft was put up on ministry website for public opinion Tuesday.
Among the other salient points of the draft policy are that basic minimum quantity for essential health and hygiene and sustenance of ecology has been defined as pre-emptive need and water has been recognised as an economic good for the first time.
The draft policy also recognises the need to adapt to climate change scenario in planning and implementation of water resources projects besides mapping of the aquifers to know the quantum and quality of ground water resources.
Stressing water use efficiency, it suggests setting up of Water Regulatory Authority and adequate water pricing to incentivise its recycle.
In that line the draft policy states that water users associations should be given statutory powers to collect and retain a portion of water charges, manage the volumetric quantum of water allotted to them and maintain the distribution system in their jurisdiction.
The draft policy further proposes reversal of heavy under-pricing of electricity, which leads to wasteful use of both electricity and water.
In case of large projects, the draft policy says affected families should be made partners in progress and given a share in the benefits comparable to project benefitted families.
The draft policy also proposes a forum at the national level to deliberate issues relating to water and evolve consensus, co-operation and reconciliation amongst states.